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What Type of Veneers Are Good for You?

Dental veneers also known as a “smile makeover” is a type of cosmetic dentistry. This is a custom-made shell that fits over the front of your tooth. The purpose of a dental veneer is to change the shape, size and colour to get a natural appearance to the teeth. Veneers are often placed on the front teeth than the back molars.

This procedure is good for fixing different sized teeth, chipped teeth, slightly crooked teeth and discoloration of a tooth. However, veneers cannot be used to replace lost teeth. Inlays and on lays are the best options for missing teeth. All types of veneers are permanent so you must visit a licensed and experienced dentist to ensure your veneers are placed correctly. Here are different types of veneers available to you.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain is the most aesthetic and least harmful material for dental restorations. Moreover, it is known to be the strongest and longest-lasting of all materials used for veneers. Porcelain is very natural looking so it can improve the appearance of your smile significantly. Veneers with porcelain laminate are extremely biocompatible and rarely injure the gum and tissues in the mouth.

Composite Veneers

Composite resin is used to make composite veneers and it is a mixture of inorganic and organic materials. It includes natural materials such as the resin, initiator and coupling agent. The filler is the main inorganic material in composite resin. The bonding material that is used to make composite resin veneers are the same tooth-coloured dental fillings.

These veneers are strong but not as durable as porcelain. Composite veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers. This type of veneers blends in well with the natural tooth colour; however, they are prone to stains over time. You can search for composite veneers Melbourne to find out the best dental clinics in your vicinityto get your procedure done successfully.


Lumineers are made of ultra-thin porcelain laminate material. This requires only minimal preparation before placement. First the less natural tooth structure is removed before placing lumineers over the tooth enamel. This method is often used to treat discoloured and irregularly shaped teeth. Lumineers look and feel natural and soft to the touch. However, this has a shorter lifespan than traditional veneers and more prone to fractures and damages.

Temporary Veneers or Removable Veneers

Also known as Snap-on veneers, these have become a trend now because they are inexpensive and easy to use. Unlike permanent veneers like porcelain and composite resin, these veneers can be taken out at any time. The process of getting a removable veneer done is quick and easy. You just have to place an order online and you will receive an impression kit and soft dental putty. This putty will comfortably mould to your teeth giving you a new smile.

Some types such as temporary veneers may harm your gum tissue over frequent wear because it is more prone to plaque build-up. Therefore, make sure to discuss with your dentist if you are intending to get a veneer done to figure out what type of veneer you actually need.

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